
親愛的朋友: 辰光能源將出席今年的新加坡國際食品及酒店用品展,展出時間為四月12四至15日,竭誠歡迎您屆時撥空蒞臨5k2-08攤位,進行直接的交流與對談。對此,若您計畫屆時拜訪辰光攤位,請近期內以電子郵件回覆這次的邀請,辰光人員將為您寄出入場憑證,方便您免費入場。辰光能源期待食品展期間您的參觀和指教。

Dear Friends, Sunshine Energy is attending 2016 Food and Hotel Asia in Singapore. Our booth can be found at 5k2-08, Singapore Exhibition Hall.  A free entrance card would be arranged upon your confirmation to this invitation letter.  Thank you for your attention and we look forward to your visit.


Sunshine Energy Co.